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Masuk Daftar

contoh kalimat ke arah

"ke arah" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • He goes to the ark. He opens the ark.
    Ia menuju ke arah tabut dan membukanya.
  • Forty paces west of Blindman's Bluff.
    Empat puluh langkah ke arah barat menuju Jurang Pria Buta.
  • If he goes the other way, stand by.
    Jika dia pergi ke arah lain, tetap disitu.
  • Three good right hands bang at Balboa.
    3 tinju kanan yang bagus diledakkan ke arah Balboa.
  • Creed has started to move in on Balboa.
    Creed sudah mulai bergerak masuk ke arah Balboa.
  • Concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer.
    Pusatkan semua tembakan ke arah Super Stardestroyer itu.
  • Yeah, could you take me as far south as you can?
    Boleh menumpang ke arah selatan?
  • People, move to the right of the halls.
    Orang, melaju ke arah kanan di ruang jalan.
  • No. Well... Here they are down at the lake, fishing.
    Berikut mereka ke arah danau, memancing.
  • He looked in the mirror and he said
    Dia melihat ke arah cermin dan dia bilang
  • They're back inside now lookin' up at us.
    Mereka kembali masuk sekarang lookin 'ke arah kami.
  • Cross your feet and go the other way.
    Anda Cross kaki dan pergi ke arah lain.
  • That's Hollman, US Attorney, coming at us.
    Itu adalah Hollman, Kejaksaan AS, datang ke arah kita.
  • We need to calmly head toward the exits.
    Kita perlu tenang kepala ke arah pintu keluar.
  • This is the US Army.
    Dia bergerak ke arah Front dan Pearl. Ini Angkatan Darat AS.
  • Three villages a little farther to the east.
    Tiga desa sedikit lebih menjorok ke arah timur.
  • A merchant is much less conspicuous.
    Bila kau pergi ke arah "Otsu", ada beberapa "desa terdekat".
  • Where? - He's right in front of you.
    Di depan, dia sedang menuju ke arah kau!
  • I'm leaning towards the girl on this one,
    Aku condong ke arah gadis yang satu ini,
  • Do not... I say again, do not fire to the east.
    Jangan menembak ke arah timur.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3